7 Top Tips to Deal with Impatience

7 Top Tips to Deal with Impatience

1. Notice it and Acknowledge It

That immediately moves it from a biological, automatic, hormonal, limbic response that you can’t easily control to a prefrontal cortex logic and reason response which IMMEDIATELY decreases the intensity and the power that it has to create the emotional reaction e.g. anger, frustration.

2. Learn and Notice the Triggers

Keep a Journal of what’s going on when you start to feel impatient. Use your LIFE Timeline to notice what’s been going on in other areas of your life when you know you’ve been impatient.

What people, words, situations, feelings etc have triggered your impatience in the past?

Discomfort? Feelings of being judged? People sabotaging your time? Other people’s unrealistic expectations of you? Deadlines? Once you notice what your tiggers are, put boundaries in place for those tiggers so they don’t distract you from working towards your goal.

e.g. I only check my e-mails 3 times a day – it’s not open on my computer outside these times because if an e-mail pops up on my screen I get distracted and impatient to finish what I’m doing and check it. If I allow it to interrupt me, I know it will take me 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get refocused on what I was doing before the e-mail popped up.

3. Accept

…….that you WILL feel impatient while you’re clearing your clutter, and that’s normal! It’s how you deal with it that matters. When you accept that Clearing your Clutter will take longer than you want it to and won’t be easy, then you can focus.

4. Only Focus on One Goal at a Time

That way you won’t have other goals to switch to. Doing your Wheel of Life Review at the end of every term  will help you see what progress you’ve made towards your goal and identify which goal is priority for the next term.

5. Alternatives

Think of alternative emotions that you want to feel instead of impatience.

What would you rather feel? Calm, compassionate, curious, in control, confident?

If I want to feel more focused, productive, or calm, I do my T.R.E. exercise or listen to my affirmations.

6. Record your Successes

The brain needs evidence of successes to manage its impatience. Make sure you use your Success / Gratitude Journal. Instead of beating yourself up for mistakes, notice when your patience turns to impatience and vice versa – what helps your impatience. Record that as a success when you successfully manage your impatience. Read your Success / Gratitude Journal regularly so your brain can help you manage your impatience.

7. Eat and Sleep Well

Your patience is impaired by sleep deprivation, poor nutrition, noise pollution, excessive conflict, money problems. We know that’s linked with decision making too, so getting into a good sleep routine will help you manage your impatience.

Remember, you have a choice about how you react to certain situations. Ultimately, learning how to manage your impatience on your Clutter Clearing Journey will be a valuable skill for when you’re living your best life.

If you struggle with impatience, find out how Clare can help you in her free help centre: https://www.clutterclearing.net/clares-help-centre/

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