
Clutter Clearing Concept – SMART Boundaries

By Clutter Clearing | Jul 22, 2024 |

SMART BOUNDARIES If you are not achieving your weekly and End of Term goals, it might be because you don’t have SMART boundaries in place to protect your Clutter Clearing Journey time. If you don’t protect your Clutter Clearing Journey time, you won’t get into a routine of ‘Do the Doing’, get more comfortable with…


Clutter Focus – Things to Consider When Making Decisions About Paperwork Clutter

By Clutter Clearing | Jul 15, 2024 |

Clutter Focus – Things to Consider When Making Decisions About Paperwork Clutter 1. The panedmic helped speed up the shift away from having to keep hard copies or originals of legal documents, to being able to provide digital copies. This means there are a lot of legal documents you no longer legally need to keep…


Clutter Focus – Paperwork Clutter

By Clutter Clearing | Jul 8, 2024 |

I have never met someone who struggles with clutter who doesn’t have paperwork clutter. It’s an ‘old world’ problem because the younger generation are predominately digital, yet digital clutter is the modern version of paperwork clutter. The trouble for those of us of a certain age and maturity (!), is that we have both digital…


10 Things to do LESS Of To Make MORE Progress

By Clutter Clearing | Jul 1, 2024 |

10 THINGS TO DO LESS OF TO MAKE MORE PROGRESS TO GIVE YOU MORE TIME FOR YOUR JOURNEY It’s rarely done consciously. We’ve been so used to failing in the past that it’s become a subconscious automatic habit, which is the result of self-sabotage. Here are 5 common reasons why we self-sabotage: TO CLEAR YOUR…


Clutter Clearing Essentials

By Clutter Clearing | Jun 24, 2024 |

YOU NEED TO DO LESS IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MORE PROGRESS ON YOU JOURNEY If you are struggling to get into a routine, build momentum, make progress on your Journey, or you feel ‘stuck’, then that’s probably because you are doing things that are sabotaging your Journey. We are defining progress as moving towards…