

Clare’s Clutter Clearing Story – But what if?

By Clutter Clearing | Apr 10, 2021 |
Clare Clutter Clearing

But what if….? It went round and round and round in my head with every decision I tried to make about the things in my clutter. The thoughts and emotions were overwhelming. What if I need it in the future? What if I lose my job, lose my income, lose my home? What if someone…


Social Gathering Survey Results – Clothes Clutter

By Clutter Clearing | Mar 22, 2021 |
Results blocks

Question 1: Do you have clothes clutter amongst your clutter? 100% – Yes Question 2: You’ve learnt about the ‘Frequency Value’ of our clothes i.e. what the item of clothing cost divided by the number of times you’ve worn it. When making decisions, do you normally decide to KEEP things because you haven’t worn it…


Jackie’s Success

By Clutter Clearing | Mar 16, 2021 |
Clutter clearing journey diagram

On 16th March Jackie completed Step 2 of her Journey. This means she has learnt all about her clutter conveyor belt, she knows where her biggest challenges are, she has learnt about habits and routines, how to deal with paperwork, e-mail and computer clutter AND she’s cleared a lot of physical paperwork, e-mail and computer…


Social Gathering Survey Results – Making Decisions

By Clutter Clearing | Mar 15, 2021 |
Results blocks

Question 1: Which of the following do you think you struggle with MOST when you’re trying to make decisions? Past, present, future. 1st place: Present Question 2: You now know that depression and anxiety can make decision-making even harder because it affects the parts of the brain that are involved in decision making. Do you…


Social Gathering Survey Results – Waste

By Clutter Clearing | Mar 6, 2021 |
Results blocks

Question 1: Is it YOUR fear of waste or do you think you’ve inherited it from someone else? 1st place:  Inherited Question 2: You now know that there are 7 different types of waste in relation to our Clutter. Which do you think is most often related to your fear of waste? 1st place: Financial…