How we work

How we work

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  • No hidden travel cost or minimum charge
  • One off cost or manageable monthly memberships 
  • No pressure to blitz it as quickly as possible 



We work very differently to what you see on those TV programmes or the decluttering and organising 'experts'.

  • We're not going to tell you what you 'should' and 'shouldn't' keep.
  • We're not going to pressurise you to 'get rid' of things.
  • We're not going to charge you by the hour or the day.
  • We're not even going to travel to your home to help you.
  • We don't use skips or dumpsters.
  • No teams of people in your home, sorting through your clutter.
  • No time limit to get it all done by.
  • No fear that you're making the wrong decision.
  • No reorganising to make it look better, or storage solutions or self-storage to try to hide it all.
  • No fear that the clutter will grow back again once it's all done.
Clutter Clearing Myth-Buster – Stupid or Lazy

Maybe you've even bought books on the issue of decluttering and organising - but you haven't got anywhere on your own, and those books are now just part of your clutter.

Maybe you've had someone in to help you decide what 'to keep' and what to 'get rid of', either a friend or family member, or paid someone to help you, and found out the hard (and experience) way that it didn't make a difference, or the results didn't last.

Maybe you're hoping there's a magic wand out there that will just do it all for you without requiring any of your time, energy or effort. (Spoiler Alert: There is no magic wand. If there was, we'd have found it in the 20 years we've successfully been helping other people clear their clutter Forever!)

You suspect that there's an easier, less stressful and more lasting way to declutter and organise your home, but you just haven't found it - yet.

We do it differently because we know you're intelligent enough to know that if it was simply a matter of 'getting rid' of your clutter, you'd have done that already.

Let me ask you an important question....

Would you rather have someone help you who has been where you are now, who has struggled with clutter themselves and successfully done what you want to do and not only cleared it all in 11 areas and rooms of her own home, has stayed completely clutter free for over 20 years, and has over 20 years experience of helping people just like her successfully deal with their clutter challenge?

Or would you prefer someone who has never struggled with their own clutter, never lived with that feeling of overwhelm, but 'loves' organising people and homes, and has a cleaning hack or storage solution for everything.?

Clare has been where you are now. Clare lived with a Clutter Challenge herself for years before finally figuring out how to clear it Forever, back in 2001. She had done everything to try to deal with it - created piles, weeded out what she knew could go, moved it from corner to corner, room to room to try to hide it, was ruthless with her decision making and later regretted her decisions. She tried everything before she finally reached the point, on millennium eve, where she had had enough.

She knows how overwhelming it is, how out of control you feel, how frustrating it is when the clutter grows or returns, how friends and family can be really unsupportive, believing that you just need to 'get on with it' and 'get rid' of things, and how all these things can fuel the procrastination. She's walked a mile (or two!) in your shoes.

Clare knows that having someone into your home to help you have a 'quick blitz' on the physical clutter isn't going to work and most importantly isn't going to last because the TV programme method of deciding what to keep and what to get rid of doesn't take into account how your brain works.

Clare’s Clutter Clearing Story

It also doesn't allow for the fact that having a stranger in your home, pressurising you to 'get rid' of things in your clutter is an extremely stressful and overwhelming experience - as if you're not already stressed and overwhelmed enough simply because of your clutter.

Clare will help you clear your clutter Forever so that your clutter never grows back, you learn how to make decisions and let go yourself, without ever visiting you in your home.

If you have visible clutter in 4 or more areas of your home (hallway, rooms, attic, garage, etc.) and it's been in those 4 or more areas of your home for 4 or more years, Clare will give you a process to use that will work- guaranteed and she will hold your hand and be your companion on your journey from cluttered to clutter free - Forever. She won't tell you what you 'should' or 'shouldn't' keep - you're intelligent enough to make that decision yourself if you have the right knowledge and tools.


How we do that?

Here at Clutter Clearing we give you the road map, of how to clear your clutter Forever.

That road map is available to you as an online video programme called the 7 Step Journey.

All you need to do to successfully clear your clutter Forever is simply watch and follow the 7 Step Journey online videos, and do whatever Clare Baker, former clutterholic and borderline hoarder, guides you to do in those videos.

You will never watch your 7 Step Journey videos for more than 2 hours a day, 5 days a week.


3 Reasons:

  • 1 Your brain is literally unable to focus and concentrate on learning and making decisions for more than 2 hours a day, 5 days a week for 5 consecutive weeks followed by a minimum 1-week holiday/vacation. It's the same reason why schools work on a term time schedule (now you know why your blitz's have never worked).
  • 2 You have a lot of clutter - do you really want clearing it to take over your life? You've probably tried to start dealing with your clutter at the beginning of the day and tried to keep going as long as possible. You probably gave up within a few hours or at the most days.

    Not only will your brain not let you do more than 2 hours a day, 5 days a week, we need to keep living our regular lives alongside clearing it, especially if we're not telling friends or family that we've started getting help to deal with. We don't need them pressuring us to 'get rid' of it quickly.
  • 3 Your clutter didn't appear overnight, it's not going to be cleared overnight, or in a day, a week or even a month. Realistically, if you want to clear your clutter Forever so you never have to deal with it again, doing a maximum of 2 hours a day, 5 days a week, it's going to take you 2-3 years to clear all your clutter.

As you follow the 7 Step Journey road map, you can have as much or as little additional need help, support and guidance that you want and need.

You need to go at a pace that feels comfortable and safe for YOU.

It's always YOU in control, learning about your clutter, understanding how to make balanced, realistic and SAFE decisions about the things in your clutter, building your confidence and belief whilst also getting as much (or as little) support as you want or need.

And if you're not quite ready to commit to your 7 Step Journey just yet, then you can start with an introductory workshop so you can learn about why you struggle with a particular challenge, and get some practical advice about how to deal with it.

If you want to get back control of your home yourself, and FOREVER, the 7 Step Journey will enable you to do just that.

Clare shares with you the skill of how to declutter quickly and easily AND holds your hand, supporting and advising you as you perfect and apply that skill to your clutter to get the clutter free home you want, need and deserve.

The only way you'll become clutter free Forever is to learn the skill of how to make decisions and how to keep your home clutter free. You can do that with the 7 Step Journey. Yes it take longer that a blitz, but I'm sure you've done enough blitz's that haven't worked or lasted - that's why you're reading this after all!

Visit Clare's Help Centre NOW to find out what she recommends is the best way for you to get started on your Journey to your Clutter Free Forever Life NOW.



Clare, I tell everyone how you 'way over in England' are helping me with my Clutter Clearing without ever entering my house. But I don't think I've told YOU yet. Thank you! I have learnt so much about WHY I've struggled with my clutter and HOW to finally clear it once and for all.

Sharon, USA

Hi Clare! I have to say that you are, without a doubt, the most motivating de-cluttering expert I have found.

I've spent a lot of money on useless books and read a lot of useless decluttering e-mail newsletters. You rock! I am so motivated now!

Sally, UK

Just to say THANK YOU for the habits and skills that I acquired thanks to you.

Not only have a decluttered my flat, but I have learned to be patient with myself and that it takes time.

Christina, Canada



clutter before clutter after
before after
clutter before chairs


Get Clare's INSTANT advice about how best to start YOUR journey to a Clutter Free home and life based on your personal circumstances by answering 10 simple questions in Clare's Help Centre

clare baker