"When you've tried everything else on your own and failed, give this a try. It just works! The initial chat over the phone with Clare was very positive and inspiring, and immediately made me feel that clearing the clutter in my house was indeed possible and didn't need to be overwhelming. If you have any doubts, pick up that phone! I was amazed at how different the living room was when I’d cleared it. It was almost like we had just moved in, and I had just arranged things the way I wanted them. I was also surprised at how easy decisions about things became once I had such a clear picture of how I wanted things to be and I’d learnt HOW to make safe decisions, thanks to Clare's online video Journey! With the help of Clare I have made a positive - and so far - lasting difference in my home. The things that I love and value finally have a place where they belong. I can see them and appreciate them everyday, rather than letting them be lost in all of the clutter. I also feel better about myself and my life as I no longer have to cringe when someone comes to the door, embarrassed by the constant state of clutter in the house. I have been able to put so many more of my things to good use, which makes me feel great. Cleaning is now SO much easier that spaces are clear, which makes my life a lot easier. I wouldn't have been able to come so far without Clare's help. It really kept me on track: staying focused on how I want things to be, and continuing to work the process - because the process works!!"
Shannan, Hampshire
"I’ve learnt a lot from the Journey. I’ve learnt to take things a step at a time, prioritise things that need to be done, not to feel guilty for not getting everything done at once, not to put things to the side and the fact that this system really does work! Thanks Clare, 2009 is off to a great start thanks to your help."
Amanda, Bedfordshire
"Clare's mediating and negotiating skills during the call were very useful in getting the commitment of both parties on board for clearing and getting us to illustrate what the improved environment would mean to each."
Hazel, Nottinghamshire
"Clare's mediating and negotiating skills were very useful in getting the commitment of both parties on board for clearing and getting us to illustrate what the improved environment would mean to each."
Janet, Dorset
"We have made massive progress in Step 4 of our Journey. The garage is now complete, and we are tackling the cupboards in the house. The garden shed is next and the summer house. The breakthrough came when we managed to allocated one of the shelving units in the garage to all his files and stationery items, so they weren't hanging about on window sills in the conservatory and getting on his nerves. Things have definitely taken a turn for the better, thanks to you. I couldn't have wished for a better result. Third party help and support is sometimes the only way to get through an impasse at home. Clare’s videos are non-judgemental and won over my family when I got to Step 4 of my Journey; allowing us to get on with the job and everyone to feel good about the results. Thank you Clare."
Janet, Wiltshire
"It wasn't until I started my Journey that I realised it's perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed by, and out of control of the clutter. I felt abnormal because all my friends have such immaculate homes and they make it look effortless. The Step 1 Journey videos made me realise not to compare myself with others but to concentrate on me and my clutter. Once I stopped beating myself up about what I thought was my 'failure' to control the clutter, somehow I was able to follow the step by step process you teach and learnt to be patient and kind to myself (so hard!), 12 months later I can now confidently say my clutter is under control. Thank you!"
Alice, New York
"Thank you so much for my card received yesterday. I do find your cards very helpful and when received I always crack on with the next clutter clearing videos! They are inspirational and are keeping me on track. This week I did my shoes and boots and I only have ‘The boring box’ left in my October plan! So I am basically on track which is great. I am still loving my flat, I’ve had my first dinner party in years and just love spending time in the sitting room in the evening. I also sat down to start my next play as the first has gone into production now and – you are not going to believe it – it took me 48 hours to write what took me 9 months on the first play! It is remarkable. Quite remarkable! Thank you so much again for keeping me motivated with the videos until it’s all done."
Clemmie, London
"Well what can I say other than your Journey has 'transformed' our lives! In my first Clutter Clearing Session in Step 2, that very night we dropped 10 bags of clothes etc to charity shop! By the end of Step 4 it's safe to say that today we showed off 'proudly' a five bedroom house! Kiara slept in her own bedroom last night for the first time since she was a baby 6 years ago. There are at least 30 sacks full of clutter out the front of the house and the council are picking it as well as clearing the garden in the morning. I watched the weekly videos with the children and they and I feel we know you and think you are wonderful. It’s taken 14 months and it’s not been easy – we’ve had quite a few tough weeks – but I can honestly say WE HAVE OUR LIVES BACK. THANK YOU CLARE YOU ARE TO US AN ANGEL SENT TO SAVE US. Respectfully yours."
Michelle, Lauren, Aron, Amani and Kiara, Middlesex
"I admit it – I was a ‘widget phenomenon’ sufferer! In Step 4 of the Journey I found I had 5 rolling pins that I never even knew I had. Why would anyone ever need 5 rolling pins?! Thank you for giving me more choice than ‘to keep’ or ‘to throw away’. Now I know how to keep it under control and I know how to say ‘no, I don’t need it just in case’ – it’s great!"
Nancy, Vancouver Island, Canada
"I’ve been telling everyone about what a wonderful Journey you provide. I thought I just had a clutter problem and needed someone to tell me what to keep and what not to keep, but now I understand why you help me rather than do it for me. Thank you for helping me make my house a home."
Carol, California
"My room feels good, I did the top book shelf this morning, I then hovered the all room so it is clean when I come back from the gym. I then went to the gym and really enjoyed it. The room looks so totally different and thank you again in enabling me to do it myself. Today, I have done a second draw absolutely perfectly and started the 3rd one, just to chunk out the big rubbish for tomorrow. And guess what?! This afternoon, in Archway, I walked in a shop and here it was a perfect reward for my worksheet 7 in the window, new bed linen. So this was such a big reward... I know it should come for when the clutter is all gone but then, who knows, there maybe a bigger reward then. I am so excited about it...I'll keep it in the pack for a little longer.. I writing down every day now what session I am doing so I really get into the pattern and keep on track. I had a lot of fun doing it today. I understood yesterday how much the bite-size videos are important so to really keep it in perspective and on target so thank you very much for that...and I am always looking forward to the next videos!"
Catherine, London
"Thanks so so much for all your wonderful help and enthusiasm while I’ve been on my Journey. Thanks a million too for all these great tips and bits n bobs that you share – I will check the stuff on the internet and definitely take your advice. You really have such good ideas, you see things that I have never seen even though I live with the house!"
Isabel, Oxfordshire
"The online videos have been invaluable. Clare’s taught me that there are positives to everything and when I first spoke to her she told me that over the course of the Journey there were likely to be times when I didn’t do as much as I had planned because ‘life’ would get in the way – and she was right! Whenever I thought I’d failed or not done enough clutter clearing videos in a week Clare made me see the positives and realise that I’d actually achieved a lot. Thank you Clare for helping me keep it real!"
Sarah, New York
"Trying to sort through my mothers belongings after her death was onlyadding to my grief and feeling of loss until you came to help me. I had to sort through her belongings, arrange her funeral and sell her home, all at the same time as trying to deal with my emotions. Your ‘Dealing with the Belongings of a Loved One’ online course helped me make sorting her things a positive. I think the fear of what I might find was the thing I feared most. Before you helped me I didn’t want to let go of anything that my mother kept because of the value she must have attached to them to keep them. But you helped me realise that finding things that she had kept from my childhood over 50 years ago was a positive thing from which I could capture memories and stories. The process even helped me write her eulogy at her memorial service 6 months later. You enabled me to find a positive in everything she owned which made it so much easier to let go. My mother would have been so pleased with the choices I made for her belongings. Thank you."
Pamela, Charleston, South Carolina
"At last – an online decluttering course that doesn’t make me feel guilty for having clutter but instead actually wants to HELP me at a practical level. I found Clare after searching the internet. My daughter had bought me another ‘de-cluttering’ book for Christmas and all it did was made me feel worse because my home doesn’t look like that. I’m so glad I’ve finally found a course that tells you HOW to de-clutter and isn’t expecting me to create a show home!"
Susie, Denver, Colorado
"I’m not a technically savvy person at all, yet the Journey was easy to use, especially when at 3am in the morning when I just HAD to do some Clutter Clearing! The videos became a bit addictive because I wanted to learn more. Seems silly now given how long I’d had it, but I guess I’d just reached that point. Start your Journey –it’s addictive once you start!"
Margaret, Ireland
"I didn't want my partner to know that I didn't know where to start with clearing my clutter, so without him knowing I signed up for the ‘Getting Started’ short course and watched the videos when he was out. What I liked is that they're practical and made me think differently - think positively - about my clutter. The step by step process is easy to follow and I now know that I don't have to do it all at once. I've been doing a little at a time. I’m on Step 4 of the Journey and I've done one room of the house. My partner has noticed but hasn't got a clue why there seems to be less clutter - little does he know that the secret is the 7 Step Journey! If only he knew...! Thanks to the Clare I'm getting back control of my clutter and not feeling the pressure to succeed from my partner. "
Linda, Houston, Texas
"I started my Journey last week and have enjoyed every single video! I just wanted to say thank you very much for your practical help, I will certainly enjoy the Journey. Many thanks once again for your help and for making me realise I'm normal!"
Elaine, Auckland, New Zealand