Start your Journey from the comfort of your own home with online videos
- Everything you need to do to go from where you are now to completely Clutter Free FOREVER
- A structured approach designed to help you overcome clutter challenges by identifying their root causes and equipping you with decision-making tools.
- The Road Map is provided in bitesize, short videos that you simply watch and follow to build your knowledge and understanding.
- There's no pressure or deadline so you can go at a pace that feels comfortable and safe for YOU
- Have as much or as little support alongside your Journey videos
- Supported by two decades of experience, offers a systematic method to enable you to clear your clutter FOREVER

Stop struggling and start succeeding by learning WHY you struggle, how to make decisions safely, and finally clear your clutter Forever so you can start living your Best Life!
The Journey to your Clutter Free Life and becoming Clutter Free Forever isn't fast or easy, yet it is possible because the Founder of Clutter Clearing, Clare Baker, did just that in 2001, and she's been sharing the "How-to" of successful decluttering for over 20 years so that others can do exactly what she did and start living their Clutter Free Best Lives too!
Her on the Clutter Clearing 7 Step Journey, you'll learn a tried and tested process to enable you to clear all your clutter - FOREVER - so you can start living your Clutter Free Best Life.
By following a simple online video programme, having access to the online Clutter Clearing Community of other 7 Step Journey members, getting access to the resources you need, and having as much or as little support from Clare and other Journey members as you want, you'll have everything you need to finally succeed at clearing your clutter.
In your home
At your own pace
Fitting in your life
So you can start living your Clutter Free Best Life
No teams of people in your home, sorting through your clutter
No time limit to get it all done by
No fear that you're making the wrong decision
No reorganising to make it look better, or storage solutions or self-storage to try to hide it all
No fear that the clutter will grow back again once it's all done
There's no rush.
Now you're doing this the Clutter Clearing Way.
You'll learn HOW to manage the overwhelm.
You'll clear your clutter slowly yet surely in a way that ensures it will NEVER grow back.
That's great,
but I need to clear my clutter FAST!
I completely understand -
when I had my clutter Challenge I wish there had been a magic wand that would have enabled me to clear my clutter fast.
The trouble is, clearing your clutter so it never grows back takes time.
Your clutter didn't appear overnight, sadly it's not going to disappear - FOREVER - overnight either.
The way to clear your clutter FOREVER isn't easy to explain, other than the fact it's a Journey of discovery and significant shifts (I know, it sounds corny, but it's true!)
You're not going to clear it FOREVER by having a quick blitz in a day or two either, even if you can afford to have someone come into your home to help you have that blitz.
This isn't like the 'keep', 'get rid of', 'charity' methods you see on the TV programmes.
The people you see on the TV programmes don't stay cluttered free FOREVER because they haven't discovered WHY they have their clutter challenge or created a new habits to help them STAY Clutter Free Forever.
This time it's different.
This time you're clearing it so you never,
ever have to deal with clutter again!
No more blitzing, weeding, piling, moving, reorganising or storing your clutter.
With your 7 Step Journey Membership you will:
Learn WHY you have your clutter.
Discover WHY you struggle to clear it.
Learn HOW to make decisions
Learn HOW to deal with sentimental clutter.
Learn HOW to organise your home.
The 7 Steps of the Journey explained.

"Take each day as it comes & don't worry about YOUR pace. Things will soon to start to make sense & you will learn so much about yourself. Keep putting one foot in front of the other & you will see how your thinking changes as your eyes are opened to you new beginnings. Finally I understand WHY I get overwhelmed just looking at my clutter!"
Step 1: Understanding WHY you have your Clutter Challenge
When you start your 7 Step Journey, you'll learn WHY you have your Clutter Challenge. Not just the practical reasons - we all know we have our clutter because too much 'stuff'.
This time you're going to learn why you have your Clutter Challenge at practical level and psychological level.
You'll do exercises to help discover exactly what's going on in YOUR home with YOUR clutter.
- You'll learn WHY you feel overwhelmed and HO to overcome it.
- You'll learn what your triggers are that cause you to accumulate.
- You'll find out how fast the clutter is growing.

"You are about to start doing your first clutter clearing sessions. You may start to feel overwhelmed when you see how much paperwork is in your inbox or your email inbox but it is ok. There is a clearly defined structure as to how to do this Finally I understand WHY I get overwhelmed just looking at my clutter!"
Step 2: Controlling the Accumulation of Clutter
Before you start clearing your clutter you need to control the accumulation of clutter to make sure it doesn't grow back.
In Step 2 you'll start doing the Clutter Clearing Sessions using the Clutter Clearing Method. You'll start work on the clutter that EVERY clutterholic has - Paperwork and Finance clutter, E-mail clutter, Computer clutter.
You might not think the digital clutter matters, but it's a great way to get used to the Clutter Clearing Method and start letting go of things you don't need before you start working on bigger, more emotional types of clutter.
- You'll learn about the importance of habits and routines to clear your clutter and stay clutter free.
- You'll learn about the importance of giving yourself permission to be 'not sure' about a decision
- You'll learn about and discover which Clutter Clearing 'gremlins' you have that have sabotaged you in the past
- You'll learn about how to protect your identity as you clear your clutter

"In step 2, you are going to learn a lot of valuable information about making decisions. You are also going to shred bags of pepper and get your main email inbox down significantly. You will have to be patient with yourself and with life."
Step 3: Making Decisions
On Step 3, you continue to do your regular paperwork, e-mail and computer clutter clearing sessions.
- You'll learn HOW to make balanced, realistic decisions SAFELY
- You'll learn about the Clutter Clearing Method
- You'll learn the importance of giving yourself permission to be not sure
- You'll learn about the 12 Values that you need to consider (not just financial)
- You'll learn about the Clutter Keeping Cycle
- You'll learn about the Clutter Clearing Decision Making Equation
- You'll learn about the Clutter Clearing Decision Making Scales

"I thought I'd be endlessly repeating Step 4 until I'd cleared all my cluttered rooms, but that's not the case. I can't quite believe that I'm at the end of Step 4, having cleared two whole areas that have been cluttered for decades, and after dreading Mount Everest it was a bit of an anti-climax. I feel I must have cheated!"
Step 4: Mount Everest, Backlog Clutter
Now you understand why you have your clutter challenge, got control of the accumulation of clutter to make sure it doesn't grow back and learnt how to make decisions, you can start working on the big and bulky visible clutter in areas and rooms, rather than just piles of paperwork clutter.
- You'll use all the learning and experience you've gained on steps 1, 2 and 3 to help you make balanced realistic decisions.
- You'll be surprised how FAST you are able to clear your first two areas and rooms.
- You'll find it EASIER to make decisions on your big and bulky backlog clutter than you ever thought possible.
- You'll SEE and FEEL a different FAST
- You'll notice the habits you've broken and the habits you've started creating on Steps 1, 2 and 3 are helping you.
- You'll learn how to keep the areas you've cleared Clutter Free Forever

"On Step 5 I cleared 5 rooms, so it's definitely becoming a habit! I don't feel right if I don't do my Journey, and I can take time off, eg holiday, if I need to without struggling to get back into the routine afterwards."
Step 5: Sentimental
Now you've been through some of your big and bulky backlog clutter, we can learn how to deal with the sentimental things that you've found, whilst continuing to clear whole areas and rooms in your home.
- You'll learn the unique Clutter Clearing way to make decisions about your sentimental belongings
- You'll learn HOW to keep the memories without having to keep the physical thing
- You'll learn the difference between sentimental things and inherited things
Lots of people say this is a fun step because they get to be creative whilst also honouring the sentimentality of their belongings.

"In the past I did an interior design course, thinking it would help me with my clutter. The irony is that organising areas and rooms become obvious when there's no clutter in them!"
Step 6: Organising
Now you have multiple Clutter Free areas and rooms you can learn about how to organise them in a way that works for YOU, as you continue clearing whole areas and rooms.
- You'll learn about the Zones Concept
- You'll do the Clutter Clearing Trace Exercise
- You'll learn about the psychology of colours
- You'll learn how to deal with Clothes Clutter

"I never imagined when I started my Journey that I would clear my clutter, and I certainly never believed I'd be able to keep my home clutter free. But looking at my home now - I have! Yes, it's taken longer than I thought it would, but it's definitely worth it."
Step 7: Control
You'll leave your biggest, most cluttered area or room to clear on Step 7, whether that's an attic, garage or storage unit. Most people find they clear their biggest, most cluttered area or room the fastest, because of all the practice they've had on their Journey at making balanced, realistic decisions.
- You'll perfect your new habit that will enable you to control your home clutter so the clutter never grows back again
- You'll have created the home you dreamed of when you started your Journey - and it will be better than you every imagined it could be.
I will be your Guide and Advisor on your Journey
Just like a sherpa guides you on a mountaineering expedition, I’m your guide on your Clutter Clearing Journey across the 7 Step mountain range.
You’ll be safe with me – I’ve safely guided hundreds of people around the world on this Journey. I know the short-cuts to take and the beauty spots to stop and appreciate.
My mission is to enable and empower people to take back control of their homes and their clutter, and as a result start living their Clutter Free Best Lives.
I’ve seen too many people dive in at the deep end, trying to be ‘ruthless’ with their decision because they either put themselves under pressure or other people have expectations that this can be done FAST.
That never works.
I know because I tried that many times with my own clutter, and I failed every time.
You either clear your clutter FAST or you clear your Clutter FOREVER.
You can’t clear your clutter FOREVER, FAST.
If you’ve been trying to clear your visible clutter that you have in 4 or more areas (hallways, attics, garages, storage units) and rooms of your home for 4 or more years, then I know exactly what you need to do to start succeeding.

One CLUTTER Clearing Term at a Time

The Group and Private Support follow a Clutter Clearing Term Time Schedule
to help you plan your holiday / vacation around your Group or Clutter Clearing sessions.
There are 7 x 5-week Clutter Clearing Terms:
Each Clutter Clearing Term is 5 consecutive weeks, followed by a 2-week holiday / vacation break to rest and recharge. There is a 5 week break over the Christmas / New Year period.
Private Journey members get 2 extra weeks of Private Sessions over the Christmas / New Year period to help them maintain the momentum and routine.
What you Get

You'll get instant access to your 7 Step Journey videos which you can access on any digital device, anywhere in the world, 24/7/365.
The majority of videos are no more than 5 minutes long.
Simply watch and follow, taking any action that Clare guides you to do, and rewatch as many times as you want or need to.


As much – or as little – support as you want
You’ve got a better chance of success if you have regular appropriate support from others who know and understand the Journey.
You can choose from:
- DIY Journey Membership – No regular support
- Group Journey Membership – Access to 3 online Group Support
- Sessions every week during the Clutter Clearing Term
- Private Journey Membership – 1, 2 or 3 Private 3 hour Sessions with Clare each week (1 hour with Clare, 2 hours watching and following your Journey videos)

You'll want to stay connected to your fellow Journey members to learn from the, celebrate their successes, share your success so the group can help you celebrate, find support for your challenges, and inspiration at your fingertips.
You'll never feel alone when you're on your journey.


You'll get 7 copies of the Clutter Clearing Newsletter - the Chronicle - every year, send out by post / mail at the end of every Clutter Clearing Term.
Full of useful articles, tips, tools and exercises and ways to track your learning, feedback and progress each term.
You'll also be able to read about Clare's Clutter Clearing Journey.

Certificate of Completion for Every Step
Friends and family may not understand the significance of your Journey, but we do.
You’ll get a Certificate of Completion every time you complete one of the 7 Steps of the Journey to recognise all the time, energy and effort that you’ve put into learning how to clear your clutter Forever, which will be a useful reminder on the bad days and tough weeks that we all have on our Journey that you CAN do this.

When you become
a Group or Private Journey Member

Private 1-hour Welcome Call with Clare
You’ll be able to share your experiences with Clare, ask her advice on any specific challenges you have as you get started, and Clare will take you through an exercise to help you get clear about what your Clutter Free Best Life will be like.

Ready-Made Clutter Clearing Toolkits
No need to make your own toolkits on your Journey like DIY Journey members.
Every time you start a new Step on your Journey, Clare will send you a personalised toolkit so you have everything you'll need to get started FAST.
You'll then get any appropriate tools at the beginning of each Step.
- No need to get or make your own tools like other Journey Members.
- Guaranteed to get you started quicker and more easily
Worth Over: £250 / $325 per Step

A FREE place at the Face-to-Face Social Gatherings that take place each year in Oxford, UK
Every year we have at least one face-to-face Social Gathering in Oxford, UK to enable Journey members to meet each other who they’ve only met on zoom before and celebrate our successes together over afternoon tea!
Worth Over: £40

Still wondering if the Journey is for you?
It’s time to Start your Journey!
Select the Type of Journey Membership you would prefer:
What Journey Members Say
If you’re not ready to start your 7 Step Journey, maybe you’d like to try a LIVE Social Gatherings or take one of our online workshops?

Get Clare's INSTANT advice about how best to start YOUR journey to a Clutter Free home and life based on your personal circumstances by answering 10 simple questions in Clare's Help Centre