Social Gathering Survey Results – Impatience
Social Gathering Survey Results – Impatience
Question 1: Is it you who is impatient or is it the pressure that friends/family/those you live with who are making you feel impatient?
Joint 1st place:
- Me
- It used to be me but I’ve accepted it’s going to take me longer than I expected to clear my clutter
Question 2: Which ‘cost’ do you think you struggle to accept the most in relation to your Clutter Clearing?
1st place:
The reality of how long it’s going to take – that there isn’t a quicker way to do this (even though I’ve had my clutter challenge longer than it will realistically take to clear it slowly and steadily)
Question 3: How long do you / did you try to deal with your clutter until you got angry / gave up / procrastinated / changed your goal?
Joint 1st place:
- Minutes – the overwhelm made me impatient
- Half a day
- A couple of days
Comment: I would get a good start and then be unable to return for a second session.
Question 4: Given what you’ve learnt about Impatience, what are you going to TRY to manage your impatience between now and Easter?
Joint 1st place:
- Focus on one goal at a time
- Accept that clearing my clutter is going to take more time, energy, effort, focus, emotion and discomfort than I thought
- Record the successes in my Success / Gratitude Journal
Comment: Notice any insults which I may direct toward myself when I feel impatient, and look for ways to speak and act with kindness instead.
Struggling with Impatience?
You Need Appropriate Support from people who can help you be kind and patient with yourself. Find out more about the Social Gatherings to get the Appropriate Support you need to succeed here: