7 Practical Tools and Advice for Managing Anxiety

7 Practical Tools and Advice for Managing Anxiety

Clare Baker, former clutterholic and founder of www.clutterclearing.net knows her clutterholics and hoarders struggle with anxiety, overwhelm and depression.

In the current climate, the worry over coronavirus is simply amplifying these feelings. In this video Clare gives you 7 practical tools and pieces of advice to help manage those feelings. Here are the things she mentioned in the video:

Affirmations: All I need to do right now is breathe.

My mind is still and smooth, like a lake at dawn.

I am safe; all is well.

I breathe in relaxation, I breathe out tension.

I am capable of solving any problems that face me.

I am a person who easily accepts new challenges.

Change is inevitable and I accept it wholeheartedly.

TRE video: https://youtu.be/FeUioDuJjFI

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