7 Steps to Success in 2023!

7 Steps to Success in 2023!

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1. Review 2022

What went well in 2022? What didn’t go so well? What got in the way of you doing your Clutter Clearing? Compare and contrast your Wheel of Life Reviews from 2022 so you can see what changed during the year.

2. Think Ahead

What do you want to be DIFFERENT in your life and with your clutter by this time next year? Do your Wheel of Life in this Chronicle NOW so you can see which areas of your life need more time, energy and effort in 2023.

3. Focus on the Goal

How you want your Wheel of Life to look by 31st December 2023? Get specific about actions you need to take every week to achieve what you need to in each of your 8 segments of your wheel by 31st December 2023.

4. Break Down the Elephant

Now break down each goal for each segment into 7 equal bitesize goals – one goal for each segment of your Wheel of Life that you can focus on during each of the 7 Clutter Clearing Terms in 2023.

5. Rest and Recharge

By following the 5 week Clutter Clearing Term time schedule you’ll have built in weeks to rest and recharge so you can have time off from your Clutter Clearing. Plan your holiday / vacation time around these dates so you don’t sabotage your time or feel your Journey is taking over your life.

6. Build in Support and Accountability

If you’ve felt overwhelmed and procrastinated in the past, you’re going to need regular support and accountability to make sure that this time you don’t give up. The Group or Private Journey’s both have this built in.

7. Celebrate your Success

Give yourself rewards for every goal you succeed and achieve daily, weekly and at the end of every Clutter Clearing Term.

If you’d like to know how Clare can help you succeed in 2023, visit her free online help centre HERE

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