Clutter Clearing Concept
Clutter Clearing Concept
One of the many challenges Clutterholics and Hoarders have is that we spend time on things that aren’t important or urgent in terms of helping us achieve our life goals.
Many of us have developed habits of doing things ourselves that can actually be delegated or deleted. We do them either because we’re perfectionists or because they are a good way to fill our time so we can say we don’t have time for our Clutter Clearing.
When people tell me they don’t have time for their Clutter Clearing because they’re too busy, I’m sure that if they HONESTLY listed what they spend their time doing we would find they spend more time doing things that aren’t urgent, aren’t important or could be delegated or deleted.
On Step 1 of the Journey we do an exercise to find out what we actually spend our time doing so we can get the learning and feedback and make an informed, conscious decision about whether we want to continue to do things that aren’t important or urgent instead of doing our Clutter Clearing.
As you plan your time, think about what you could actually DELEGATE and/or DELETE. For example when I had my clutter challenge I knew I wanted to delegate the cleaning of my house. It wasn’t important for ME to do, but it was important TO me that the house was cleaned every week. I didn’t enjoy cleaning, I took longer than a cleaner would take, and I wanted to do other things with my time.
So I decided that my reward when I had cleared all my clutter would be to DELEGATE the weekly cleaning. I could afford a cleaner because of the money I was saving every week thanks to the Weekly Shopping Challenge that had become a new habit on my Journey.
Over 20 years later I still delegate the weekly cleaning.
Learning to delegate and delete is an essential Clutter Clearing skill to learn if you want to succeed and stay clutter free forever.
So what can you delete and delegate in your life NOW to make more time for your Clutter Clearing?
Find out more about the Clutter Clearing 7 Step Journey here: