Don’t reinvent the Wheel – Just Realign it

Don’t reinvent the Wheel – Just Realign it

One of the many reasons why people struggle to clear their clutter is because they don’t turn it from a ‘wish’ into a goal by giving it the time, energy, focus and effort it needs to succeed.

With busy lives and multiple demands on our time, Clutter Clearing often falls to the bottom of the list.

With only 168 hours in a week, some of which are needed for sleep (!), we must make sure we are putting our time, energy and effort into the areas of our life that need it most to make sure our lives are happy, fulfilling and we’re living our Best Life.

The Wheel of Life is a visual tool that enables us to see how our life could improve if we allocate our time, energy, and effort according to the needs of different areas of our life: on maintaining areas of our life that are going well, and spending a bit more time, energy, and effort on improving areas that are not doing so well.

Doing a Wheel of Life Review regularly can help you feel more confident that you are working towards your goals and Best Life, which in turn makes it easier to focus on making the time, energy, and effort to work on the areas of your life that you KNOW are a priority for YOU in the near future.

Clare does her Wheel of Life Review at the end of every Clutter Clearing Term so she can update her affirmations to reflect her priorities for the next term. She does a joint Wheel of Life Review with her husband every 3 months to review their life together.

How it Works…

Our Wheel of Life has 8 segments. Each segment represents a different area of our life which – when combined – make the 8 key areas that are considered to make up a happy, fulfilling, healthy life.

By placing the 8 segments in a wheel formation and rating each segment on a scale of 0 – 10 for how fulfilling that area of our life is, we can visualise:

  • whether our ‘Wheel of Life’ is turning as smoothly as it could
  • which areas of our life NEED improving
  • which areas of our life NEED maintaining
  • which areas of our life NEED more time, energy and effort
  • which areas of our life NEED less time, energy and effort
  • how the different areas of our lives are interconnected
  • how we can improve our life relatively quickly and easily
  • which areas / segments of our life will make the biggest improvement to our wheel.

The Wheel of life Review will show us which areas of our life to prioritise our time, energy, and effort on next term without negatively impacting on areas of our life that we’re happy with.

Have Clare can guide you through doing a Wheel of Life Review by signing up to take the 7 day True Turning Point Challenge here now:

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Clutter Clearing

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