Fay’s Success Story
Fay’s Success Story

At the beginning of August, Fay completed her Clutter Clearing Journey. This means she’s cleared all her clutter and created the habits she needs to stay Clutter Free Forever.
Success Summary:
- 9 rooms and areas completely clutter cleared after 14 years:
- Hallway
- Hall Cupboard
- Kitchen
- Lounge room
- Dining room
- 3 bedrooms
- Double garage
- E-mail inbox now below 100 read and unread e-mails
- 78% of all the clutter she categorised and sorted came OFF the Clutter Conveyor Belt
- Over 60 black sacks of donations to her local goodwill store
- 12 trees planted in her name with the Paperwork Reward Challenge because she shredded over 60 black sacks of paperwork clutter
- Her home is now on the market as she plans to buy a small apartment in her hometown of Vancouver, Canada and also buy and live in an apartment in Seattle, USA – where her children and grandchildren live.
- With the weekly Shopping Challenge Fay started saving over £80 / $95 a week by the end of Step 1 which covered the cost of her Private Journey Membership
- As a direct result of doing her weekly Paperwork Clutter Clearing Sessions, by the end of Step 2 Fay had cancelled 2 monthly payments and 1 annual payments on her bank account that she didn’t know were being taken and which saved a further £140 / $170 a month:
- 2 insurances she didn’t need
- 1 annual medical insurance she didn’t need due to having another, better policy
- By the end of her Journey Fay had saved enough money to get her house professionally decorated and the garden professionally cleared, ready to go on the market
- Fay took 5 months to complete Step 1 of her Journey and 3 months to complete Step 7, proving that getting into a routine of ‘Doing the Doing’, breaking your giving up habit and learning about WHY you have your clutter challenge is HARDER than the physical clearing.
- By the end of Step 5 of her Journey Fay was able to invite her family to visit for the first time in over 10 years – the first time her grandchildren had ever visited her in her home.
- With the money she has saved on her Journey she has decided to buy all new furniture for her future Seattle apartment and give most of her old furniture to goodwill.
Fay started her Private Journey at the beginning of the Pandemic.
As Fay explains:
I lost my husband at the start of the pandemic – not because of Covid-19, but it still affected us because we could only have 50 people at his funeral service which broke my heart. He’d been sick for many years, and to lose him at a time when I couldn’t have family physically be there to support me, (because they live in Seattle) was tough.
My husband and I had lived with our clutter for so long and my family were worried about me being safe during the lockdowns on my own, so I made a promise that I’d get help to deal with it. Of course, they assumed I’d have to wait until after the lockdowns because they assumed – like we all do – that the only real help was someone coming to my home to help me physically lift and shift the clutter. They also assumed that because I was 74 years old I couldn’t possibly deal with it on my own.
They didn’t know I’d been getting Clare’s top tip e-mails for years and not really stuck with anything, and that I’d already decided she was going to help me from afar!
I’d done various programmes with Clare before, but when she launched the Journey it suddenly felt right. Instead of a time limited programme where the help would stop at some point, the great thing about the Journey is that there is no deadline. You go at a pace that’s comfortable and right for you, and you can get as much or as little support you want to keep going, so there’s no pressure to get it done quickly.
I don’t know how many times I would say to Clare that I felt like I was going too slow, especially in Step 1, and then she’d reassure me that it didn’t matter how fast I went because as long as I was ‘doing the doing’ – sometimes only once a week in our private sessions – I would get there.
She was right! I struggled in Steps 1, 2 and 3 to focus on my goal because I was scared to dream, but then when I cleared my second area, it suddenly felt real and possible because not only had I cleared my hallway and my hall cupboard, more significantly I’d kept my hallway clutter free while I was clearing my hall cupboard. That had NEVER happened before. I’d always blitzed places and then felt the space filling up again as I moved onto the next. Not this time.
By the time I was on Step 5 it felt OK to dream about my goal. My husband and I had always talked about downsizing and having a place in Vancouver and a place in Seattle near the kids and grandkids. Finally, it felt like that dream could become a reality.
I didn’t tell the family what I was going. I didn’t want the added pressure, and because they never came to visit because of the clutter, it was easy to keep it a secret surprise.
When I invited them to come visit at the end of Step 5 they couldn’t believe it. Not just that I’d cleared it all, but that I’d done it all myself without having Clare physically help me in my home. I’m sure they still think it’s all hidden in a self-storage unit somewhere!
Now they know I’m moving we’re able to make happy memories apartment hunting as a family. I know my husband would be proud I’m making our dream come true, and I know he’s with me on this new adventure. I guess it’s never too late.
Private Journey Member
Strictly limited by application.
Become a Private Journey Member and have private weekly Clutter Clearing Sessions with Clare to help you make time, ‘Do the Doing’ and get personalised advice and guidance. Clare will also send you all the ready-made tools you need, when you need them.
This is the equivalent of having Clare as your personal Journey guide.
Private Journey Members complete their Clutter Clearing Journey (on average) in 2 years.
One Virtual Private Clutter Clearing Session a week during term time:
£325 / $435 per month
Two Virtual Private Clutter Clearing Sessions a week during term time:
£520 / $699 per month (SAVE 20%)
Three Virtual Private Clutter Clearing Sessions a week during term time:
£680 / $910 per month (SAVE 30%)
To apply visit: https://journey.clutterclearing.net/private-journey-application