Secrets of Success – 10 Ways to Follow Your Weekly Planner

Secrets of Success – 10 Ways to Follow Your Weekly Planner


  1. Do your Wheel of Life Review so you know what is a priority for you right now, and therefore your time. It will then be easier to say ‘not right now’ to things that aren’t a priority for YOU
  2. Start AND end your day doing 3 things:
  • First, read your Best Life Script to focus you mind on what really matters to YOU.
  • Second, at the start of the day make a list of everything that’s on your weekly planner for JUST that day. At the end of the day, review anything you didn’t get done and make time on your weekly planner to do it later in the week.
  • Third, prioritise the daily list so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

Be aware of when you have your next contingency slot that you can move things into if you need to, and make sure you have a small reward planned for the end of the day for following it.

  1. Group similar tasks to make sure you use your time efficiently and build your routines. E.g. do your weekly shopping challenge and meal planner on the same day as you do the grocery shopping; make your daily e-mail and paperwork check-ins the first thing you do every day
  2. Turn your phone to silent when you’re focusing on a task or a block of time e.g. your Journey time. There’s never going to be an emergency that can’t wait 30 minutes (no, really……. )
  3. Start saying ‘not right now’ to people who want you to do something immediately or by the end of the same day – yes, that includes work. Then tell them:
    • I can’t help you right now – can this be done at another time / on another day?
    • Is this more or less of a priorty than what I’m doing right now / is already on my schedule?
    • I can do that for you now, but that means I won’t have time to do / finish (this) today. Which is more important for me to do for you today?
  4. Set digital reminders on your digital device for blocks of time, and add what you NEED to be doing in that block of time to that reminder – then just focus on doing it/them until they’re done
  5. If you’ve struggled to be a Successful Snail / Steady Turtle, build in least 1 hour of conitngency into your weekly planner EVERY DAY, or allow contingency in each of the 3 daily blocks of time
  6. NEVER try to multitask. It doesn’t exist because your brain is not physically capable of doing it. You think you’re achieving more, but you’re just doing more things to a poor / lower standard
  7. It takes 23 minutes and 15 seconds for your brain to get back in the ‘zone’ after an interruption. Use apps to block certain websites and social media sites for at least 6 hours a day so you don’t get distracted. Turn off notifications so you don’t get the visual and auditory (sound) interuptions. They’re all about distracting and interrupting you from what you ‘SHOULD’ be doing
  8. Every time you complete a task or something that is on your weekly planner, write it in your success / gratitude Journal to acknowledge your success at focusing on and finishing it
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