Social Gathering Survey Results – Inherited and Sentimental Clutter
Social Gathering Survey Results – Inherited and Sentimental Clutter
Question 1: Do you have more Inherited items or more Sentimental items in your clutter?
First place: Sentimental – related to MY past
Question 2: Do your Inherited and Sentimental things trigger more positive or negative feelings and memories?
First place: 50:50
Question 3: What strong emotional feelings and memories do your Inherited or Sentimental items trigger the most?
Joint 1st Place:
- Nostalgia – positive feelings of past happy times
- A sense of meaning to my life
Question 4: Do you think you struggle to make REALISTIC decisions about your Inherited or Sentimental things because of the Endowment Effect?
1st Place: No
Question 5: Do you think you struggle to make REALISTIC decisions about your Inherited or sentimental things because of Loss Aversion?
1st Place: Yes
Question 6: Which of the top tips are you going to TRY in relation to your Inherited / Sentimental clutter?
Recognise that my inherited / sentimental items were part of a chapter of my life, they’re not the whole book. If I continue to hold on to everything then I’ll be stuck in the past