Secrets of Success – 10 Top Tips to become more Focused
Secrets of Success – 10 Top Tips to become more Focused
- Read your Best Life Script as part of your morning routine so your conscious and subconscious brain both start the day knowing what you are working towards
- Reduce distractions. Turn of your mobile / cell phone or switch to silent and turn it face down, so you don’t see the light or hear calls or notifications. Be somewhere people won’t find you or disturb you. If you are distracted it will take your brain 23 minutes and 15 seconds to get back in ‘the zone’ – longer if you struggle with ADHD
- Set yourself a small, managable bitesize goal to focus on. That might be simply watching and following one or two Journey videos; doing just the categorising and sorting part of a Clutter Clearing Session; doing just the meal planner set of videos of your Day 1 Journey videos. Focusing on something and succeeding is always better than flitting and achieving nothing
- Don’t try to multi-task – your brain can’t do it. When you try to do more than one thing at a time, usually in an attempt to feel productive, you are less productive and produce lower quality work
- Practice Mindfulness / Meditation. This can be as simple as taking a deep breath in and out 3 times before you start ‘Doing the Doing’ – just like we do at the start of Group / Private sessions
- Follow the 30:10:2 rule to ensure you have short breaks regularly so you don’t get overwhelmed
- Choose your reward before you start ‘Doing the Doing’ so you have something to look forward to on the other side of ‘Doing the Doing’
- Exercise releases hormones that are important for concentration, as memory and mental clarity. It’s also been scientifically proven that a 20 minute walk each day could boost concentration for up to one hour afterwards. So, a morning walk before ‘Doing the Doing’ of your Journey videos could make the difference between being a Successful Snail or a Powerful Elephant
- Train your Brain. Scientific research has shown that you can improve focus and concentration by doing things such as jigsaw puzzles and suduku. Your Best Life Script has the same effect.
- Get into a good sleep routine. Try the Brendan Burchard 3:2:1 method for 1 Clutter Clearing Term:
- 3 hours before bed no food.
- 2 hours before bed no work.
- 1 hour before bed no phone calls or screens (i.e. TV, computer, tablet).
In that last hour you can read, listen to calming music, do your Success / Gratitude Journal, talk to a partner, review your weekly planner for the next day.
You can clear your clutter FAST, or you can clear your clutter FOREVER, but you can’t clear your clutter FOREVER FAST.
To find out how Clare can help you clear your clutter Forever, without the need for an expensive home visit, click here now:
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