Common Characteristics of a Clutter Clearer – Struggle to Pack for a Trip

Common Characteristics of a Clutter Clearer – Struggle to Pack for a Trip

Whether it’s an overnight trip, weekend away or holiday / vacation, people who struggle with clutter struggle to pack.

We ALWAYS pack too much, especially if we also struggle with ADHD. Packing is a challenge because of the infinite choices, options, possibilities and ‘unknowns’ of going away. The weather, the activities, the venues – all of which might require different things.

My advice is simple. Stop expecting to get it ‘perfect’ and start gathering the learning and feedback each time you go away so you can apply it next time.

When you pack for your next trip, weekend away, holiday / vacation, simply follow these 10 steps:

  1. Pack as normal. 
  2. Make a list of what you actually pack as you add things to your luggage. Write the destination and duration at the top of the list.
  3. Take the list with you. Pop the list in one of the pockets of your bag or case so you don’t lose it.
  4. Do the same with your hand luggage.
  5. Use the lists to mark off what you actually wear or use, one mark for every time you use it or wear it. That way you’re tracking what you actually NEED and USE, and how often you use it.
  6. If there’s anything you realise you DID need but didn’t pack, add it to the list so it gets added to the list for next time. 
  7. If there’s anything you did need and were able to buy at the destination, add it to the list with ‘buy there’ next to it. When you get home and unpack, simply write or type the list out, including the destination and duration, and ONLY list the things that you did need and did use. 
  8. Make as many copies of the lists as you have bags and put one copy in each bag so it’s easy to find, irrespective of which bag you take next time. 
  9. Repeat when you go on your next trip, replacing step 1 with the list from last time.

Oh, and while we’re on the subject of bags, in case you could open a bag shop with all the ones you own, ask yourself – 

  • What’s the mamximum number of bags you’ve ever taken on one trip? 
  • What’s the maximum number of hand luggage bags you’ve ever taken on one trip? Therefore, how many do you REALISTICALLY need to keep?

Finally, remember – even if you forget to pack something you later realise you need, you’ll simply add it to your packing list on your return, so you don’t forget it next time. In the meantime, you can probably make-do on this trip, or buy it if you genuinely need it.

When I travelled into the Amazon rain forest in 1993, I forgot to take my anti-malaria tablets. Even as the only person in the small group taking them, I was still able to buy them in the remote shack-town of Bartica!

You can clear your clutter fast, or you can clear your clutter forever, but you can’t clear your clutter forever, fast. 

To find out how Clare can help you clear your clutter Forever, without the need for an expensive home visit, click here now:

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