The uncomfortable truth about successful Clutter Clearing is that to successfully clear your clutter you will have to get comfortable feeling uncomfortable. It’s the only way we know we’ve stepped outside our cluttered comfort zone and are in the learning and change zone where we need to be to succeed. There are 5 reasons why…
Read More...1. Check it’s a Goal and not a Wish If you’re not ready to protect some of your 168 hours a week, every week, to working towards achieving your goal, then it’s just a wish. Use your Wheel of Life in this Chronicle to help you decide if it’s a goal or a wish. ‘In…
Read More...TRACK YOUR PROGRESS How Does Tracking Your Progress Help Your Motivation? A study by the University of Sheffield, based on 138 studies of 19,951 participants, showed that the more often you monitor your progress towards a goal, the greater the likelihood that you will succeed. The more frequent that monitoring of progress, the greater the…
Read More...RESISTANCE When we’re on our Clutter Clearing Journey, we are guaranteed to feel resistance. Resistance is defined as: ‘the refusal to accept or comply with something’. EVERYONE – no exceptions – experiences resistance when they have a clutter challenge. Before they start their Journey, Clutterholics: Even when we start our Clutter Clearing Journey, resistance doesn’t…
Read More...INFO-JUNKIE The majority of Clutterholics are info-junkies. We love to learn, have facts, have information available when we want and need it. Sadly, in the modern technological world, our info-junkie addiction is made worse by the ease of access to information – the internet. No need to plan a trip to the library, sign up…