
7 Steps to Success in 2023!

By Clutter Clearing | Jan 1, 2023 |

1. Review 2022 What went well in 2022? What didn’t go so well? What got in the way of you doing your Clutter Clearing? Compare and contrast your Wheel of Life Reviews from 2022 so you can see what changed during the year. 2. Think Ahead What do you want to be DIFFERENT in your…


Clutter Clearing Concept – Object Permanence

By Clutter Clearing | Dec 30, 2022 |

The Object Permanence Concept helps us to understand why we may have a stronger attachment to the things in our clutter than other people. Object Permanence is knowing that things and people continue to exist even if you can’t see them or hear them. Humans develop this awareness, on average, by around the age of…


Maintaining Motivation

By Clutter Clearing | Dec 23, 2022 |

CLUTTER CLEARING REWARDS  When we’re on our Clutter Clearing Journey, we all need to have a motivational toolbox that contains a range of tools to help us get through the bad days and tough weeks we ALL have when we’re Clearing our Clutter. What Are Rewards? Rewards are what we give ourselves as an act…


Tough Truths About Time

By Clutter Clearing | Dec 16, 2022 |

7 REASONS WHY WE STRUGGLE TO MAKE TIME 1. Don’t Prioritise or Plan Most clutterholics and hoarders are what’s called ‘In-Time’ people. This means we’re not thinking about, planning for, focused on, or maybe even aware of what we need to do in the future. We also tend to be impulsive and to ‘live in…


‘Porous’ Boundaries

By Clutter Clearing | Dec 9, 2022 |

Personal Boundaries are the limits and rules we set for what we share of ourselves within different types of relationships.  Those of us who struggle with clutter often have either ‘Porous’ or ‘Rigid’ boundaries.  The SMART BOUNDARIES concept helps understand if we have porous or rigid boundaries and help us start putting healthy boundaries in…