
Melissa’s Success Story

By Clutter Clearing | Dec 2, 2022 |

Melissa started her Private Clutter Clearing Journey in September 2020 and completed it in October 2022. This means she’s cleared all her clutter and created the habits she needs to stay Clutter Free Forever. Success Summary: Melissa started her Private Journey in September 2020.  As Melissa explains: Succeeding at completing my Journey was a time…


Clutter Clearing Myth-Buster

By Clutter Clearing | Nov 25, 2022 |

MYTH CLEARING MY CLUTTER IS ABOUT CREATING A SHOW HOME / LIVING A MINIMALIST LIFE Absolutely not! Another myth perpetuated by the TV decluttering programmes and organisational ‘experts’. If you REALLY want to live in a show home or live a minimalist life then I am not the person to help you do that. Not…


Clare’s Clutter Clearing Story

By Clutter Clearing | Nov 18, 2022 |

It’s ironic that on the day the last edition of the Chronicle arrived from the printers, in which I wrote about my family relationship clutter and my estrangement from my parents, my big brother passed away from an aggressive melanoma cancer that took him in just 9 months. I hadn’t been told he was ill.…


2023 – Your Year

By Clutter Clearing | Nov 11, 2022 |

Before I started Clearing my Clutter, I was seeing a therapist regularly. I knew I had more challenges than just my clutter, and with hindsight I was hoping she’d tell me how to deal with them all without actually having to spend any time, energy, effort or money on dealing with them. Then one week…


Clutter Clearing Comfort Zone

By Clutter Clearing | Nov 4, 2022 |

The Clutter Clearing Comfort Zone Concept helps explain why the blitz’s don’t work, and understand what we need to do to clear our clutter. The concept is based around 3 circles, one inside the other.  The middle circle (white) represents our comfort zone, or where we are now. In there we feel safe but there’s…