Clutter Clearing Concept – Your Book of Life
Clutter Clearing Concept – Your Book of Life
Your book of life – or your life memoir – is a great way to share your life experiences with others.
Writing your book of life, whether it’s an autobiography, memoir or simply a collection of short stories about events and experiences in your life, also helps you to better understand yourself, acknowledge your achievements, gain wisdom, and share your learning with others and future generations in a more meaningful way than simply hoping that friends and family will remember the stories when you are gone.
Although there are probably people in your life who have heard your stories a thousand times, they may not have heard the bits in-between, how the separate stories link together, or the learning and wisdom you gained from those experiences.
When you write or record your book of life, you’re your chance to clarify the meaning and value of your life, events and experiences so far so others can get to know you better and at a deeper level. Who knows what it might lead to. The popular BBC TV drama ‘Call the Midwife’ was based on a book written about the life of a regular midwife in East London in the 1950’s…
7 Reasons to Start Creating
your Book Of Life
- It will be a ‘legacy gift’ that you create for your friends and family so they have access to the memories that matter to you, and they can take comfort when they read it / watch it / listen to it when you’re no longer here.
- It can be very theraputic and help you to make sense of and process some of your experiences, learn and realise more about yourself, and it can be particularly helpful if you were to struggle with memory loss / dementia later in life, because friends and family can read it / watch it / listen to it with you to help you access those memories more easily.
- It can make it easier to let go of things in your clutter because you will know you’ve captured the stories and memories that realate to those things in your clutter. People who capture their life story while they are on their Journey clear their clutter quicker and easier than those who don’t.
- It will deepen your relationships as you share your memories and life with people who care about you. I once had a client who recorded her memories onto audio, then a friend typed them up for her. As a result of the sharing they did as she cleared her clutter, their friendship deepened.
- It’s a form of creative self care because it requires you to be quiet and calm to access the memories, think about the structure, write it or record it proof-read it, create it and so on.
- It’s fun! It can even be a reward. Depending on which step of the Journey you’re on, you’ll already have lots of memories on your LIFE Timeline to get you started. Some memories you will capture from simple memory recall or sharing. Some memories will be triggered as you go through your clutter.
- You can start NOW – you don’t need to wait until you’ve cleared all your clutter!
You can clear your clutter fast, or you can clear your clutter forever, but you can’t clear your clutter forever, fast.
To find out how Clare can help you clear your clutter Forever, without the need for an expensive home visit, click here now: