Four Steps to Start Your Book of Life
Four Steps to Start Your Book of Life
Step 1:
Look at your LIFE Timeline and write a list of some of the key events and experiences that you would want to capture in your Book of Life.
Step 2:
List any physical items that you know you have in your clutter that have a positive event or senitmental memory attached to them that you would like to share or record as part of your life.
Step 3:
Choose 7 events and experiences from your 2 lists – 1 for each chapter of your Book of Life.
Step 4:
- Choose 1 of those 7 events or experiences and simply write / record as audio file or video about that event, experience or memory. Make sure it has a basic structure, for example:
- What lead to that event or experience
- The detals of the event or experience
- The conclusion / outcome / goal of that event, experience, memory
- What you learnt or realised about yourself, life, others as a result of that event or experience
- How you think it changed your thinking or behaviour afterwards
- What that event or experience enabled you to go on to do later in your life
Step 5:
Write / record as an audio file or video for the current chapter of your Book of Life – your Clutter Clearing Journey chapter. Make sure you include:
- what events and experiences made you decide to start your Journey
- what you’ve learnt / realised on your Journey
- rewards that you’ve given yourself
- what difference it’s made to your life
- any unexpected positive events, memories or experiences that have happened while you’ve been on your Journey – either related to your Clutter Clearing or in other areas of your life.
Step 6:
Imagine it’s a year after you’ve completed your Journey and are living your Clutter Free Best Life.
Write / record an audio file or video for the next chapter of your book of life that imagines ‘what happens next’. Write it in the PAST tense, as if it’s already happened. Describe an event or experience that is only possible because you’ve successfully cleared your clutter – an event or experience related to something you’ve already captured as part of your Best Life script.
It might be having friends and family visit for a holiday, moving home, having the time, energy and space to do a hobby at home, a new or improved, healthy and fulfilling relationship, learning a new skill, getting your dream job, taking a trip to a place you’ve always wanted to go to…. Follow the same basic structure as before:
- Why it’s only possible in your Clutter Free life
- The detals of the event or experience
- The conclusion / outcome / goal of that event or experience
- What you learnt or realised about yourself, life, others as a result of that event or experience
- How it contributes to you living your Best Life
- What that event or experience enabled you to go on to do next in your life
Step 7:
Every Clutter Clearing Term for the next year, write 1 more chapter!