

Signs of Change

By Clutter Clearing | May 2, 2020 |
signs of change

So in this time when it can feel like Groundhog day, there are signs and clues all around us that things are changing. Nature is a great way to see positive change, and I believe nature is thanking us for pausing – even the birds seem louder and happier! And so I’ve recorded an update…


Getting Started

By Clutter Clearing | Apr 29, 2020 |
getting started

We’ve all been on lockdown for a while now, and hopefully you’ve managed to start to settle into a ‘new normal’ and some form of routine. If you are Locked down with your clutter you may be struggling to adapt, or maybe you’re trying to do something positive towards your Clutter Clearing. If it’s a…


Clare’s Sunday Garden Tour

By Clutter Clearing | Apr 26, 2020 |
garden tour

Clare Baker, former clutterholic and borderline horder gives you a brief tour of her beloved garden. As you’ll see, she doesn’t know the names of many plants!


Sunday Tour of Clare’s Lounge

By Clutter Clearing | Apr 26, 2020 |
sunday tour

Last week Clare Baker, former clutterholic and borderline hoarder gave you a tour of her garden. This week it’s the turn of the lounge so you can see that it’s important to create a room and home that works for YOU. See some of the weird and wonderful things Clare has so that her lounge…


7 Practical Tools and Advice for Managing Anxiety

By Clutter Clearing | Mar 18, 2020 |
practical tools

Clare Baker, former clutterholic and founder of knows her clutterholics and hoarders struggle with anxiety, overwhelm and depression. In the current climate, the worry over coronavirus is simply amplifying these feelings. In this video Clare gives you 7 practical tools and pieces of advice to help manage those feelings. Here are the things she…